If you have a parent or other relative that needs assistance managing his or her affairs, you may need to get legal authorization to assist in place. This may involve being appointed to act as a guardian. In some cases, a court may even appoint a conservator.
A guardian and a conservator share some features, but each person may play a different role in helping someone. Understanding these differences is important if your family member needs this help.
Guardian responsibilities in Colorado
Parents may name someone to act as the legal guardian of their children should the parents die while the kids are still minors. Similarly, an adult who is unable to take care of his or her own affairs may need a person to act as a guardian.
The Colorado Judicial Branch explains that a guardian of an adult may assist the incapacitated person by communicating with doctors or other medical professionals. The guardian may also provide assistance with basic care needs, such as activities of daily living. This may involve perform duties directly or identifying other parties to provide the care.
A guardian has limited responsibility when it comes to the ward’s financial affairs.
Conservator responsibilities in Colorado
A court appoints a conservator to monitor the financial and business matters of an incapacitated person. This may involve paying bills, managing income and overseeing to household expenses, including taxes, insurance, repairs or maintenance.
This information is not intended to provide legal advice but instead meant to give people in Colorado an overview of conservatorships and guardianships and how they may differ.